This church is located in Orrville, AL in Dallas County at the intersection of Mill Street South and Academy Street (GPS coordinates 32.30489,-87.245974).
Following are details provided on a historical marker that’s located in front of the church:
Orrville United Methodist Church
Frank Orr and his brother, William, settled Orrville in the early 1800’s with a very strong religious group of people. A church was soon organized and a place of worship was built on this site in 1846. The church was known as the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Before becoming The United Methodist Church, the building was used for many years by the Methodist, Episcopalians and Associate Reformed Presbyterians on alternate Sundays. Quite a history and heritage is ours. “This is a House The Lord has built, let us rejoice and be glad and worship Him in it.”
Erected by United Methodist Church